Friday 26 July 2019

普吉岛自由行 25-30/05/2019


大约中午 1 点抵达普吉国际机场。
乘坐 Grab Car 出发到芭东海滩的住宿,花费 940Baht。
我们住的是 Tri Trang Beach Resort,从 预订,双人房一晚 1296Baht。
安顿好后乘搭区间巴士到芭东海滩的 Bangla Road,巴士票价单人 100Baht。
晚餐在 No.6 Restaurant 用餐,花费 590Baht。
晚上搭 Tuk Tuk 回度假屋,两人 200Baht。

Bangla Road 是芭东海滩的主要景点,夜生活很是热闹,每一家都有店员站在街道上拉拢生意,所以定力一定要够强。但喜欢夜生活的人可以一探究竟。

Tri Trang Beach Resort 可算是在半山的地理位置,与芭东海滩的主景点 Bangla Road 有一段距离,步行并不可行。晚上 11 时左右要洗澡,谁知道竟然没水,度假屋员工处理了近半个小时才决定让我们换房。早餐选择繁多,有亚洲风味和西餐。度假屋的餐厅就在 Tri Trang 海滩,几乎每位外国游客在用餐完毕就投入大海的怀抱。

如果入住芭东海滩对面的旅店,只要步行就能到 Bangla Road ,省下交通费。

极力推荐 No.6 Restaurant,我们7:30pm 抵达时已大排长龙。在排队的时候刚好服务员也在安排一车人去山顶用餐,听一位中国旅客说他们也有分店位于山上,他亲自试过了,食物味道没差别加上山顶风景佳,因此值得一试。由于车满了,我们就在原来的餐厅,空间不大,但每一位服务员都很用心也很热情,上菜、收拾餐桌、接待的速度让我惊艳。我们点了 Pad Thai (泰式炒粿条)、冬炎海鲜汤、清炒西兰花和一大一小的 Chang 啤酒,味道都叫人满意,个人就特别喜欢他们家的 Pad Thai。晚餐总共花费 590 Baht,对我来说算便宜的。
经过 7-Eleven 的时候特别怀念他们的 CP 牌熏鸡翅,于是又买了解馋。

黄昏时分的 Bangla Road by Jasslyn_Ong
黄昏时分的 Bangla Road

夕阳西下的芭东海滩 by Jasslyn_Ong

No.6 Restaurant 的 Phad Thai by Jasslyn_Ong
No.6 Restaurant 的 Phad Thai

No.6 Restaurant 的冬炎海鲜汤 by Jasslyn_Ong
No.6 Restaurant 的冬炎海鲜汤

吃完早餐乘坐区间巴士到江西龙,巴士票价单人 100Baht。
在江西龙附近搭德士到 Rassada 码头,车费 500Baht。
我们选择乘搭邮轮到皮皮岛(Phi Phi Island),双程船票,单人价 1000Baht。
抵达皮皮岛的 Ton Sai 码头需付清洁费,每人 20Baht。
今晚留宿的旅店叫 Ton Sai Place,从 预订,双人房一晚 2025Baht。
晚餐在清真街上的第一家泰式小食店解决(忘了店家的名字),花费 650Baht。

皮皮岛(Phi Phi Island)是到普吉岛必游之地,否则就算白来了。

Ton Sai Place 在一条小巷的巷尾,我们绕了一段时间才发现在路口的屋顶上,那褪色不起眼的招牌,因此走了很多乌龙路。酒店没有电梯,但接待时有员工帮我们提行李上房。接待人员非常亲切也非常有耐心,还告诉我们在岛上最好自备饮用水,因为在岛上饮用水的价钱远比啤酒来得昂贵。

从芭东到 Rassada 码头是有一段车程的,如果预订了船票,记得做好时间考量。

在 Rassada 码头旁有几档小食和饮料档口,可以在这里购买一些零嘴才上船。我们在果汁档点了两杯杂果汁,颜色艳丽摆杯也用心,一杯 69Baht 。邮轮内也有贩卖杯面、零食和酒,我们在邮轮上层边吃边喝边吹海风看风景,很舒服很惬意。

Tri Trang Beach Resort 的早餐风景 by Jasslyn_Ong
Tri Trang Beach Resort 的早餐风景

Rassada 码头的杂果汁 by Jasslyn_Ong
Rassada 码头的杂果汁

早餐在 Mon Cafe 消费 500Baht。
然后就开始了我们在海上的一天,我们的浮潜配套单人价是 1600Baht 。
回到岛上天已黑,我们决定在 Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 享用晚餐,忘了实际消费多少但肯定少于 1000Baht。

猴子沙滩(Monkey Beach)顾名思义可以看见很多猴子,游客们身子可以坐在它们身边零距离拍照。
想要与小群鲨共游,那就不要错过 Shark Point
由于我们旅游的时候属于淡季的开始,因此竹子岛(Bamboo Island)很宁静,在这里我们欣赏非常美丽的日落渲染整片天空,叫人陶醉。

因为对 Ton Sai Place 的一切都满意,所以我们决定在这里留宿多一晚。


我们在网上参考 Mon Cafe 不错的评价,而咖啡馆的布置和氛围也确实吸引了我。我们点了香蕉草莓冰沙、法式吐司、炒鸡蛋和鸡肉沙拉。我个人钟爱他们家的法式吐司,虽然卖相极简但真的很美味;至于鸡肉沙拉的鸡肉就太干太硬了,因此我并不推荐这一道。
在 Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 解决晚餐绝对是明智的选择。我们点了辣椒酱炒蟹、罗勒叶蒜炒啦啦及炒空心菜,并把所有食物都吃得清光。

皮皮岛的猴子沙滩 by Jasslyn_Ong

Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 的罗勒叶蒜炒啦啦 by Jasslyn_Ong
Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 的罗勒叶蒜炒啦啦

Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 的辣椒酱炒蟹 by Jasslyn_Ong
Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant 的辣椒酱炒蟹

我们在岛上的 Mango Garden 享用早餐,花费 480Baht。
回到 Rassada 码头,我们搭计程车到普吉老镇的旅店,车费 400Baht。
我们的旅店是 Baan Suwantawe,从 预定,双人房一晚 1200Baht。
 Mee Ton Poe 吃午餐,花费 170Baht。
晚上搭计程车到 Chillva Market,车费 300Baht。回程到旅店我们乘搭 Grabtaxi,车费是290Baht。

普吉老镇(Phuket Old Town and Phuket Walking Street)不是个繁忙的城镇,悠闲地走在这个城镇慢慢感受它的美丽。
Chillva Market 对我而言是个夜市天堂,这里虽然人潮多但并不拥挤,很有生气的特色市集,从服装到食物都是享受。我甚至希望第二晚还能重返此地感受这里的气息。 

我们的旅店 Hotel Baan Suwantawe 就在普吉老镇的中心。这里的住宿环境干净,而吸引我们在这里留宿的原因是因为房间里设有浴缸。此外,这里接待员也乐于解答我们的问题。

这里的交通方便,计程车和 Grabtaxi 比比皆是,而车费对我来说算公道。

皮皮岛上的 Mango Garden 食物大份而且好吃。我们点了炒蛋套餐和蛋饼套餐,当然也少不了我在这里的最爱——招牌芒果冰沙。
至于颇有名气的 Mee Ton Poe,纯属个人喜好,我和友人都不太喜欢。或许是土生土长的大马人,我们认为他们家最著名的福建面并没什么特别,而且有别于大马的福建面,这里的比较像是酱汁面。而店员推荐的小食乌达(otak-otak)也让我们极其失望,完全不入味。
当我们在逛普吉老镇的时候,我们尝试了一小档口卖的椰子冰淇淋还淋上配料,味道真的出乎意料地浓郁美味。配料方面我们第一次尝试加入棕榈子(palm seeds),吃了第一口便爱上它。
在 Chillva Market,食物种类非常多而且每个食档都挤满人潮。虽然我们尝试的烤猪肉块令人失望,但泰式海鲜沙拉和烤龙虾味道不错。

皮皮岛 Mango Garden 的芒果冰沙 by Jasslyn_Ong
皮皮岛 Mango Garden 的芒果冰沙

普吉老镇的椰子冰淇淋 by Jasslyn_Ong

Chillva Market 的烤龙虾 by Jasslyn_Ong
Chillva Market 的烤龙虾

普吉城镇的 Chillva Market by Jasslyn_Ong
普吉城镇的 Chillva Market

抵达 Central Festival Mall 并在 Shabushi Restaurant 消费 838Baht 享用自助式午餐。
转站到 Big C 购买零食。

Central Festival Mall 一带可算是普吉镇的购物商场地带,从这里我们步行到 Big C 市场。
Central Festival Mall 是大型购物商场,而我把大部分的时间都花在了这里的 B2S 书局和 Daiso 分店。
相信绝大部分的人都对 Big C 不陌生,想把零食快熟面都带回家的肯定会来这里扫货。

对于 Hotel Baan Suwantawe 的一切我们都很满意,于是我们决定继续留宿于此。

在这里打车并不难,计程车和 Grabcar 任君选择。

Shabushi Restaurant 用的是回旋寿司的概念,火锅料就在回旋带上任你所选。除此之外,这里还有自助式寿司可享用。我个人认为火锅味道普遍,寿司则还不赖。在这里限时用餐90分钟绝对可以饱餐一顿。
既然被我发现了,我就绝不容错过 Swensen's 的 RumRaisin 冰淇淋!

Central Festival Mall 的 Swensen's 冰淇淋 by Jasslyn_Ong
Central Festival Mall 的 Swensen's 冰淇淋

延迟我们的退房时间到下午 5 点,旅店另加收费 600Baht。
我们步行到闻名的 Restaurant Raya 享用早餐,忘了实际消费,但少于 1000Baht。
在 Kim Massage and Spa 享受 90 分钟的按摩服务,单人价 550Baht。
接着到 Limelight Avenue 逛逛。
出发到机场前去了 Indy Market。
Grabtaxi 去机场的车费是 700Baht。
在机场吃晚餐,两人花费马币 89.95。

因为看见 Trip Advisor 的高评价,我们毅然决定在 Kim Massage and Spa 享受按摩服务。毋庸置疑,服务及按摩力道很赞,不仅让我们在离开前给了小费。接待员和按摩师很友善也很热情地跟我们问好,里面的氛围宁静舒适,值得来这里享受片刻安宁与放松身心。
Limelight Avenue 距离我们的旅店仅有几步之遥。这商场不大看起来也很新,但可以来逛一逛服装店或精品店,又或者在这里的咖啡厅稍稍享受。
Indy Market 就坐落在 Limelight Avenue 隔壁的露天空地,这市集不大但玲琅满目。我们在这里尝试了几样小食但不感惊艳。但在网上搜寻后,许多人给予这市集的评价蛮高,或许我们应该在晚上的时候来才能一睹它真正的面貌。



对于 Restaurant Raya 的评价网友有的说好有的说不好,而说不好的人多数投诉了服务员的态度和食物的味道不佳。在这里我们点了卤肉、蛋炒青菜、泰式炒粿条和冰泰式柠檬红茶。我们都喜欢卤肉和饮料,而我朋友个人也喜欢他们的泰式炒粿条。价钱方面或许小贵,但在这餐厅环境用餐还算公道。 
用餐完毕在机场逛逛,我们在免税店 King Power 买了原味椰子片,就跟我们在普吉老镇吃椰子冰淇淋的时候一样脆口,最重要的是吃起来不甜,所以是我们一口就爱上的健康零嘴。

Restaurant Raya 的卤肉 by Jasslyn_Ong
Restaurant Raya 的卤肉

Restaurant Raya 的冰泰式柠檬红茶 by Jasslyn_Ong
Restaurant Raya 的冰泰式柠檬红茶

Indy Market 的椰子奶昔 by Jasslyn_Ong
Indy Market 的椰子奶昔

如要做个总结,这次无计划的旅游是个很好的体验。普吉岛的居民很亲切也很友善,我会推荐大家到此一游,但还是必须先做功课,在任何水上运动前查看天气报告,以确保安全。谢谢你们愿意读完这长篇大论的分享篇章!如有任何问题,可在留言处发问,我会尽快为你解答。 =)

Phuket Random Trip 25-30/05/2019

Here to jot down our itinerary. Since we are just looking for relaxation, it's a random trip that we planned last minute, which we only booked flights and accommodation for first and second night before departure, and the rest we decided right on our journey. The expenses stated here are for two unless stated per pax.

About 1pm- Arrived at Phuket International Airport.
Took Grab Car to the resort nearby Patong Beach, spent 940 Baht.
We stayed at Tri Trang Beach Resort, booked it from, double bed room charged 1296Baht.
Headed to Patong Beach and Bangla Road, took resort shuttle bus, the fee was 100Baht per pax.
Dinner at No.6 Restaurant, spent 590Baht.
Took Tuk Tuk back to resort, two person charged 200Baht.

Travel Spot:
There are activities on Patong Beach such as parasailing and jet skiing. We enjoyed the beautiful sunset scenery here.
Besides, Bangla Road is another spot of Patong famous with nightlife which mostly attracts party goer.

Tri Trang Beach Resort is located uphill, it is out of the town of Patong Beach and Bangla Road, hence walking from one to another seems impossible. Water cut happened when I was bathing at about 11pm, after half an hour the technician tried to fix it, they had decided to change another room for us. There are choices for their buffet style breakfast, from Asian to Western style. The resort restaurant is just right in front of Tri Trang Beach so almost every foreigner went swimming after finished their breakfast.
Suggesting to find accommodation opposite Patong Beach as we didn't feel the noise from Bangla Road even when we were walking on street.

Is is a quite long distance between Phuket International Airport and Patong Beach, suggesting if you are not in rush, you may take bus, it will be cheaper but of course will take up longer time.
If staying over opposite Patong Beach, you may just walk over to Bangla Road and save up some transportation fees.

Strongly recommend No.6 Restaurant, there was a long queue when we arrived. While we were lining up, the waiter was arranging a Tuk Tuk full of customers to be sent to another branch which I heard is located uphill with a beautiful view, there was a China man saying he had tried both and the foods taste equally delicious. We didn't get to go the uphill branch as the Tuk Tuk was full. The restaurant is not spacious but every staff amazed me with their serving attitude and efficiency. We ordered Pad Thai, Seafood Tom Yam, Garlic fried Broccoli, a big bottle and a small bottle of Chang Beer. We were very satisfied with the foods and personally, I like their Pad Thai the most. The meal costed us 590Baht that is considered cheap.
I missed the CP Brand Smoked Chicken Wings in Thailand 7-Eleven, hence I grabbed a pack when I passed by.

Bangla Road in Evening by Jasslyn_Ong
Bangla Road in Evening

Beautiful Sunset at Patong Beach by Jasslyn_Ong
Beautiful Sunset at Patong Beach

Pad Thai at No.6 Restaurant  by Jasslyn_Ong
Pad Thai at No.6 Restaurant

Seafood Tom Yam at No.6 Restaurant  by Jasslyn_Ong
Seafood Tom Yam at No.6 Restaurant

After breakfast, we took resort shuttle bus to Junceylon Mall, charged 100Baht per pax.
From Jungceylon we took Taxi to Rassada Pier, Taxi charge was 500Baht.
We decided to take ferry to Phi Phi Island, two-way ticket charged 1000Baht per pax.
There was a park clean fee of 20Baht per pax when we arrived Phi Phi Island at Ton Sai Pier.
We stayed at Ton Sai Place and booked it from, double bed room charged 2025Baht.
Dinner at a corner restaurant (I forgot its name) at one end of Halal food street, spent 650Baht.

Travel Spot:
Jungceylon is a famous shopping mall at Patong, but since we were rushing to Rassada Pier and we planned to shop on last day, hence we didn't go in the mall.
Phi Phi Island is a must to visit, it is one of the iconic travel spots of Phuket.

Ton Sai Place is at the end of an alley, we were lost for a while finding the place til we spotted the faded signboard. There is no lift at the hotel, upon arrival there was a staff helping to carry our luggage to room. Moreover, receptionists/ staffs here are all friendly and patient, they even told us to self-prepare drinking water because water costs much more expensive compared to beer on the island.

There is a driving distance from Patong to Rassada Pier so do watch the time if ferry/ boat ticket has been purchased earlier.
Since it was the beginning of monsoon season, for our safety, we had decided to take ferry even though it takes half an hour longer time compared to boat.

There are a few stalls at Rassada Pier and we bought glasses of mixed juices before boarding, the colourful juices are refreshing, costed 69Baht for a glass which I think is cheap. There are cup noodles, snacks and beers selling in ferry too. We bought some snacks and beers, pretty enjoyable with the breeze and ocean view.
Dinner is okay only to me, we ordered Seafood Green Curry, Stir Fried Veggie and Black Pepper Squid.

Breakfast at Tri Trang Beach Resort by Jasslyn_Ong
Breakfast at Tri Trang Beach Resort

Mixed Fruits Juice at Rassada Pier by Jasslyn_Ong
Mixed Fruits Juice at Rassada Pier

We had breakfast at Mon Cafe, spent 500Baht.
Then started our whole day trip at sea, costed 1600Baht per pax.
Back to island at night and enjoyed dinner at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant, forgot how much we spent exactly but it was less than 1000Baht.

Travel Spot:
We basically spent our whole day at sea. There are actually many other whole-day and half-day tours we found when walked around the island but we chose the one provided by our hotel Ton Sai Place, because the stops seem more interesting.
There are many monkeys at Monkey Beach where we could just sit beside them and took photos.
If you wanna swim with sharks, you should include Shark Point in your tour.
Bamboo Island is a good place for sunset view and since it was off season, the island was quiet and very calming.
I would recommend watching Plankton at night if you have not experienced it, even though it was just few minutes but seeing stars in the sea is an amazing experience.

We were satisfied with everything at Ton Sai Place so we stayed here for another night.

We chose speedboat tour and found out that there were some spots we could only see from far because speedboat is not allowed to to stop-by except long-tail boat. So when you are deciding which one to choose, this may be one of the considerations. Otherwise, speedboat may be more comfortable.

We saw good reviews on Mon Cafe and the ambience attracted us when we passed by. We ordered banana strawberry smoothie, french toast, scrambled egg and chicken salad. I personally love their french toast the most although it looked simple but it is yummy, while chicken was too dried and hard in the salad so not really recommended.
Lunch was included in the tour but the food was really bad. Fruits, mineral water and coke were provided on boat.
Dinner at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant is a good choice, we ordered Chilli Paste Crab, Clam with Garlic and Basil Leaves and Stir Fried Kangkung, all dishes were mouth-watering and we finished all.

Monkey Beach, Phi Phi Islands by Jasslyn_Ong
Monkey Beach, Phi Phi Islands

Clam with Garlic and Basil Leaves at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant by Jasslyn_Ong
Clam with Garlic and Basil Leaves at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant

Chilli Paste Crab at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant by Jasslyn_Ong
Chilli Paste Crab at Ton Sai Seafood Restaurant

We had breakfast at Mango Garden on the island, costed 480Baht.
Back to the land at Rassada Pier, we took taxi to our hotel and it charged us 400Baht.
We stayed at Hotel Baan Suwantawe, booked it from, double bed room charged 1200Baht.
Headed to the famous Mee Ton Poe, spent 170Baht on the food.
Then we took a walk around Phuket Old Town and Phuket Walking Street.
At night we took taxi to Chillva Market, taxi charged 300Baht. Way back to hotel we booked Grabtaxi and the charge was 290Baht.

Travel Spot:
Enjoyed walking around Phuket Old Town and Phuket Walking Street. It is not a busy here and a slow walk is just nice to discover the town.
I regret for not bringing enough cash to Chillva Market. It is cool, lively, trendy and stylish where I enjoyed everything here from fashion to food. I even wished to come back here again for the second night in Phuket town.

Hotel Baan Suwantawe is within walking distance to Phuket Old Town. The accommodation is clean and one of the reasons we were here was for the bathtub. The receptionist is helpful too. 

Basically the options here are taxi and Grabtaxi and I guess the rate is reasonable.

The food in Mango Garden on Phi Phi Island is good and filling. We ordered and scrambled egg breakfast set and omelette breakfast set and my favourite here definitely goes to the signature mango smoothie.
In our personal opinion, my friend and I both dislike Mee Ton Poe as we found nothing special about their famous Hokkien Mee, probably because we are Malaysian. It is totally different from Malaysian style of Hokkien Mee, it is actually more to noodles in gravy. The otak-otak recommended by the staff was disappointing too, simply not flavourful.
As we walked by Phuket Old Town, we tried coconut ice-cream with toppings and it is surprisingly good. It is also our first time trying palm seeds topping and we love it much. 
There are wide variety of foods in Chillva Market and every food stall was so crowded. Even though the grilled pork cubes disappointed us but the seafood salad that we ordered was so spicy and grilled lobster was fresh. There are more and more food options here but unfortunately we didn't get to try because our tummies were so full.

Mango Smoothie at Mango Garden, Phi Phi Island by Jasslyn_Ong
Mango Smoothie at Mango Garden, Phi Phi Island

Coconut Ice-cream at Phuket Old Town by Jasslyn_Ong
Coconut Ice-cream at Phuket Old Town

Grilled Lobster at Chillva Market by Jasslyn_Ong
Grilled Lobster at Chillva Market

Chillva Market at Phuket Town by Jasslyn_Ong
Chillva Market at Phuket Town

Headed to Central Festival Mall to shop around.
Had our first meal at Shabushi Restaurant in Central Festival Mall, spent 838Baht for the buffet lunch.
Last shopped at Big C to buy snacks.

Travel Spot:
It is like a centre of shopping malls in Phuket around the area of Central Festival Mall, from there we walked to Big C.
Central Festival Mall is a large lifestyle mall and believe or not I spent most of my time at B2S Bookstore and Daiso store here.
While not to mention Big C is snacks heaven and you can find all kind of snacks and instant noodles here.

We like everything in Hotel Baan Suwantawe so we stayed here for another night.

Taxi or Grabcar is easily available here.

Shabushi Restaurant is a kaiten-style steamboat and buffet sushi restaurant, our tummies bloated after eating for 90mins here. Steamboat was so so to me but the Japanese food here was not bad.
And of course I won't skip RumRaisin ice-cream from Swensen's!

Swensen's at Phuket Central Festival Mall by Jasslyn_Ong
Swensen's at Phuket Central Festival Mall

Extended our check-out time to 5pm, charged 600Baht.
We walked to the famous Restaurant Raya for breakfast, spent less than 1000Baht on the meal.
Enjoyed 90minutes massage at Kim Massage and Spa, it was 550Baht/pax.
Went window shopping at Limelight Avenue.
Took a walk at Indy Market before heading to airport.
Grabtaxi airport transfer charged 700Baht.
We had dinner at the airport costed us RM89.95 for two pax.

Travel Spot:
We chose Kim Massage and Spa because it has gotten high rating from Trip Advisor. Undoubtedly the service and massage were all right and we paid them tips, masseurs welcomed us with friendly greetings, the environment was quiet and comfortable, I would say worthy to seek for relaxation and calmness.
Limelight Avenue is just few steps away from our hotel and it looked like a new mall. You may have a quick stop here for clothings and accessory boutique shops or maybe just enjoy a cuppa coffee here.
Indy Market locates just beside Limelight Avenue and it is an outdoor market, not big but with variety of stalls. We have tried the food here but it wasn't impressing. Anyway reviews said you should pay a visit at night, probably the ambience and feelings will be completely different.

We extended our check-out time to 5pm at Hotel Baan Suwantawe so that we had some time to last packed our baggage.

All the mentioned travel spots are within walking distance.

There were good and bad reviews we saw online about Restaurant Raya, mostly complaining about the staff's attitude and some said the food was not really impressing. We ordered Braised Pork Belly, Fried Thai Veggie with Egg, Pad Thai and Iced Thai Black Tea with Lemon. We both like their Braised Pork Belly and Iced Thai Black Tea, and my friend also likes their Pad Thai. Price here might be a little bit pricy but still affordable and reasonable with the environment.
Dinner at the airport might be a bad choice but we had no choice because we took midnight flight. We had Japanese food (Rice set and Ramen set) at Level 1 food court and luckily the food were not too bad.
While shopping in the airport, we bought Original Flavour Coconut Chips from King Power duty free shop, it is as tasty as the one topped on coconut ice-cream which we had at Phuket Old Town, most importantly, it tastes original without additional sweetness. On a side note, it is a healthy snack.

Braised Pork Belly at Restaurant Raya by Jasslyn_Ong
Braised Pork Belly at Restaurant Raya

Iced Thai Black Tea with Lemon at Restaurant Raya by Jasslyn_Ong
Iced Thai Black Tea with Lemon at Restaurant Raya

Coconut Milkshake at Indy Market
Coconut Milkshake at Indy Market

Overall, it is really a great experience exploring the country without planning ahead. People here in the country are mostly friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend Phuket for your next trip but bare in mind to check the weather before going to water activities for your safety. I hope you enjoy reading this long and boring essay! If you have any question, do not hesitate to leave it at the comment box and I will reply a.s.a.p. =)